Monday, March 24, 2014


Today we had the amazing opportunity to visit the Suwon Clover House. Now let me preface this by saying that when ever you take on a new endeavor, there's bound to be some sort of learning curve, right? So on our way there, we learned that the Suwon Unwed Mother's Shelter AND the Suwon Clover House are under one roof. The residents are mixed together. So that means instead of meeting 5 women and their children, there were actually 20 women and 9 babies waiting for us to arrive.

We had a little chat with the Director and discovered some other ways to help, so more information will be coming on that later. We also took part of the cash donation we had for Clover House, and bought fruit and Korean Fried Chicken for the residents. Lets just say, it was a total hit. In fact, one Mom saw the Fried Chicken and then turned to Kim and said, 'I LOVE YOU!!!' We all had a good chuckle over that.

I can't remember how many women we did hair/make-up for, but it was definitely under the 20 that I was nervously preparing for in my mind. Kim did a FABULOUS job photographing the babies, but out of respect for the residents, we will only be sharing the images from 2 of the Moms (who gave us their permission). Those photos will be coming once we return home and can edit everything.

We ended up staying much longer than originally anticipated, but it was an amazing experience that I'm so grateful for.

So with that, I'll be signing off. I'm so incredibly tired as I think I haven't quite kicked the jet lag curb, but I know by morning I'll be ready to go again.

Thank you again to everyone who has supported The Clover House Project this far. ALL of your efforts have been SO appreciated and I can't wait to move forward and see what we can accomplish!

*** just wanted to make a note that we took the 5 bags to the Director who will be dispensing the items to the women. Since there were 5 bags and 20 residents, we felt it was best to do it that way, vs trying to single out only certain girls who lived there. But know that when the Director and some of her staff saw what was in the bags, they completely freaked out. LOL ***


  1. I'm so excited to see the images you have permission to post! You're a light to these women and a huge inspiration to me. Xoxo

  2. Incredibly cool!!! Hugs to you both!
